Sunday, November 20, 2011

Family Fun Time

This weekend our cousin Shannon married her Matt in Louisiana which meant the Martin 3 got to spend several hours together in the backseat again. And no one died! Coming from experience, my siblings are what you would call 'spread outers' and always take up more room. And at 30, I am not above telling mom they're touching me. ;) Mom's new rule for this trip was that we could fight all we want as long as it was done via text.

The wedding was beautiful and we had a lot of fun! And a lot beer. Which means our ride together yesterday was mostly jovial. Today it was mostly hungover. :) Fun times.
I'm thankful for family, laughter and beer. I'm thankful for plantation tours and indoor plumbing - Chamber Pots are NOT OKAY. I'm thankful for PetSmart for taking care of our Atticus. I'm thankful for an opportunity to see family and the joy of coming home.

And I'm thankful I'll get to sleep in my own bed tonight.

Until next time...

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