Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lessons in Patience

I'm begrudgingly thankful for this.

Patience is not a virtue I was born with. It's something I'm working on though! And let me tell you - this week has been a challenge!
I've had several hotels try to charge us for more than we agreed. Foolish, foolish hotels! And yesterday I had this particularly fun run in with a shipping company. Here's some back story - our big magical printer stopped printing on Monday (which is another story that ended with a bottle of wine) so I had to hustle in order to get a shipment out. I overnighted a box for first AM delivery - guaranteed to be there by 8am and costing an arm and a leg. My boss calls me the next day at 10am saying it hasn't arrived. No problem! I'll check the tracking. The tracking says it's been picked up. That's it. So I call and proceed to have this conversation:

Me: I need to check the status of our package.
Them: It's been picked up and set to be delivered at 8am.
Me: That was two hours ago.
Them: Oh
Me: So where is it?
Them: I'm seeing it's been picked up.
Me: I know that - where is it now?
Them: I don't know.
Me: So you can't tell me where in the world our package is? You can't find out which brown truck between here and New York is currently carrying said package?
Them: No.
Me: Fine. We need the charge refunded.
Them: We can't refund the charge until the package arrives.
Me: And when is it going to arrive?
Them: It was scheduled to arrive today at 8am.

Yep. By this time the Timby-Rage-O-Meter had peaked and I gave up.

Turns out they totally smashed the package and it was sent back to me. Poor Package!

I'm thankful for patience and a sense of humor.

Until next time....


Kristl said...

I am thankful for getting to enjoy your sense of humor.

I love reading your blog and the technology that makes it possible for me to get a Timby fix from thousands of miles away.

FYI: D got laid-off and got hired again all within 48 hours, it has been a stressful few days.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

Oh my! That does sound like a stressful few days. Yikes. I hope things settle down!

And I'm glad you enjoy my blog - that brings ME joy. :)