Saturday, January 14, 2012

There's no crying in football...unless you're me

I'm not all that athletic. Big shock, I know. I also do not spend a large amount of time watching sports, I don't really care. My attention span is spastic. And I have irrational attachment issues and a very addictive personality.

But it's the playoffs and you can't go anywhere that a TV isn't tuned to the latest game.

Tonight we decide to try Capt' Benny's seafood. It's a sports bar shaped like a boat that has a TV hung on all the walls tuned in to the Saints/49ers playoff game. As Daniel talks about the teams and the playoffs, I immediately decide the 49ers should win. The Saints were just in the big game, it's the 49ers turn - and they're playing at home! How exciting for their fans! (Note how irrational my choice of team is based on: who's turn it is to win? who's beloved fans are filling the seats? who's colors will I look best in on Super Bowl Sunday when I attend the ONLY football party I ever attend? See? Irrational. I should also mention this loyalty usually only lasts until the next game I have to watch. I go through this process every preSuper Bowl game I end up viewing. )

So we watch the 4th quarter. And I'm a nervous wreck! I keep covering my eyes and getting all anxious for a team I've been watching for all of 5 minutes! The 49ers are leading until they aren't - which makes me cover my eyes and cringe. Seriously. Then they have some BEAUTIFUL plays and WIN!!

And I teared up. This makes my Beloved laugh. A lot. ("are you seriously crying?!" he says) Then I see the player who ran in the winning touchdown crying and that only increases my tears. I'm a sympathetic crier. And I get so excited for the local fans and the cute little coach and precious players who seem so excited!

Daniel offered to let me go sit in the car. :)

And this is just one example of why my attachment to sports is a bad idea. A very bad idea.

Although if the 49ers make it all the way to the big game - I have a pair of red shoes that will look just darling!

Until next time....

1 comment:

Kristl said...

David is watching the game now, we tivoed it due to a canceled first birthday party. We went to Costco instead. I'll wait to read your post to David until he finishes the game. I'm not a sports fan either, but David was rooting for SF and to try and engage me in the game he tells me New Orleans is my team, because my guy is their quarter back. My guy is loosely defined as we attended the same school. So now I'm irrationally mad that my team lost, stupid sports.