Sunday, March 4, 2012


My Sister and I have the best time together. We laugh no matter what it is we're doing. And we usually cause a scene.

She was in town the other day to get a few errands taken care of like making changes to her EZTag account. She could do so online but she can't remember her log in - so instead we got a story. :)

We arrive at the store to see a line. A long line. We're 'greeted' at the door (I say 'greeted' because this lady is NOT in professional clothes or wearing a name tag OR offering us anything helpful) by a lady who asks what we're in for. We say make changes to the account and she sends us to the back of the line. So we kind of stand there - next to the person at the end of the line which is not enough. Ms. Helpful screams 'BEHIND THE AT&T GUY!' - yeesh lady. We're not sure what her deal is, she can't do anything but point you toward the end of the line. The one line. But luckily Mr. AT&T is hilarious.

We start talking to him - Tami is less than thrilled we're in line - she doesn't know her account information - and the door lady keeps pointing people to the obvious end of the line. To increase the entertainment value our new friend, Mr. AT&T starts making a "DING" noise every time someone comes in the door to better assist Ms. Helpful. This makes us laugh.

We finally get to the front of the line and Mr. AT&T lets us go ahead of him - he can't wait to see what happens. :) We did manage to make our girl in training smile a few times and we weren't banned from using the tollway so the trip was a success.

We hit a few more locations, had a yummy meal and laughed our way through job postings.

My Poopie brings me joy. She's my best friend, my baby sister, my movie quote buddy. And I love her a whole lot. And I'm so thankful for our memories and moments that make us laugh.

Until next time......

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