Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Saturday Sibling Spankings

My sister came in to town this past weekend which meant Martin Family Bonding Time! HOLLA!

The day started out with lunch. Most of our adventures are centered around food.

We get in to the car and Travis points to a tiny whitish spider hanging between the two front seats (I'm convinced it's an Albino Brown Recluse but since it's currently on the lam - this cannot be confirmed). He lets the spider land on his hand only to have said spider leap on to our mother. Chaos ensues. The spider runs for its life and mom finds her fly swatter. Why the woman has a fly swatter in her truck is beyond me - except for the obvious: to reach her bad children in the back seat. What good Southern Momma wouldn't have a fly swatter close at hand? Spanking #1 for the day: Travis threw a spider at mom. Tami gets in the car and mom announces that Travis threw a spider on her so if the spider ends up on her leg while she's driving and kills us all - blame him. "Nice Bubba"

Oh yeah, this is going to be a good day!

We eat and drop the boy off at home because he doesn't want a pedicure - foolish child. We then head to the mall for a cookie - they always have the best cookies! Because Poopie is indecisive, we end up with an extra cookie. No worries - we'll give it to Travis. As the three Martin Women are getting back in the car - the two younger Martin women might have sassed the older one. Oops. Spanking #2 & #3 of the day: The Sisters sass. In all honesty I'm pretty sure I didn't deserve it but Poopie always gets me in trouble! ;)

When we get home we hand the cookie to Travis who immediately eats half of it. We're not entirely sure what kind of cookie it is so we ask what the 'chewy' part the the chocolate chewy cookie is.
Travis: You gave me a cookie and you didn't know what was in it?!
Me: You ate half the cookie without asking what was in it!!
Travis: Well, is it so bad that I trust my sisters?!
Me: Probably! Have you blocked out your entire childhood?!

We had an awesome day full of laughing and eating and laughing. We ended the day sharing chips and queso at our favorite Tex Mex spot. Yummm!

I love spending time with my family. They bring me joy.

 And seriously, who could be mad at these sweet faces?!

Until next time.....

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