Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Days like today....

....make me want to crawl back in to bed with the lights off....fill the bathtub with hot water and stay in until my Beloved gets home....put the baby and the dog on the front stoop with a "free!" sign.....open a bottle (or two) of wine with breakfast - is raisin bran a white or a red kind of cereal?...look for a job and price childcare....run out of the house screaming....eat a lot of ice cream....with wine....

First, I was rocking her back to sleep at 3am this morning after she woke up crying.

Then she woke up earlier than usual.

This is what happens when you wake up earlier than usual.

Mommy dresses you like a Hot Mess.

Then she bit my toe. And laughed.

Yesterday she pinched my arm so hard it bruised. She might be cute but I'm pretty sure she's out to get me.

And she's refused to nap longer than 30 minutes all day. Which makes her look like this....
See. Wine would be lovely. 

But then you know what she does?! She smiles.
And you can't help but smile back.

Dadgum babies....

By the way - she's under my chair again, chewing on the checkbook.

I'm pretty sure I have ice cream......

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