Friday, August 30, 2013

With a Sheep - Week 33

This is the best we got. The little one was no picnic today, let me tell you!

I thought she'd look SO cute in a little headband. Only she kept pulling it off. So I gave her a puzzle piece to distract her only she pulled it off again. So then I gave her her sunglasses and yet she STILL chose to pull the headband off. And laying down? No ma'am!! THAT'S for babies!! And babies are lame.


Oh my has it been a day.

First she figured out how to get to the shelves and pull down all of Daddy's Far Side books.

And our cable was out. All day. So we had to watch DVDs. While she was sleeping I left the TV cabinet open. As I was picking up the books, she made a b-line for the opened cabinet.

As I was securing said cabinet, she made her way to the side table and managed to get the cord out from underneath the couch, again.

Thankfully the dog distracted her after that.


I need a day off. 

Alice is 11 months and 10 days. She still only has two little teeth but is getting more adventurous with what she'll eat. She is trying to pull herself up on EVERYTHING. We're almost to the 'crawling is for babies' stage. Already. 

She's growing like a weed and is in to everything she sees. She touches everything with her finger. It's SO cute. I'll try to get it on camera. 

Until next time...

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