Friday, September 27, 2013

With a Sheep - Week 37

An almost smile! Yay! 

Little Bitty is a busy little bee. She's in to EVERYTHING. And she puts anything in her mouth. She ate a staple this week. Yep. A staple. We made our first call to Poison Control. 

Seriously, these are the milestones missing in the baby book.

First call to Poison Control....
First item up the nose.....
First trip to the ER....

Milestones worth noting.

While it didn't take too long to get a good sheep picture this morning, we did manage to get a few funny ones. 

Seriously. Not this again.

Take THAT, sheep!!
Can you see the mischief on that face?! We're in trouble.

Until next time..... 


In the Mix said...

Clementine swallowed a rock today. She said it hurt but she could breath and swallow and talk and all that. But, seriously?
Your little Bitty is too much. Such a cutie.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

A rock?! Yeesh. I'm thinking about making a blog series of pictures of crap I take out of her mouth. I could just make a pile all week. I swear. Kids. ;)