Sunday, January 16, 2022

To My Brother on his Wedding Day

This is a post I never thought about writing. 

Not because I didn't think you would get married! I just never imagined when you were little what it would look like when you were grown up. 

You have always been the little brother, the booganose, the original Bubba.

And today you become a husband.

Today you make promises to love and protect. 

Today someone else takes over the job of dressing you.

Today you start your own family! 

Now I'm going to do the sisterly thing and share some lame wisdom.

Marriage can be magical. You get to love and support your own live-in best friend. She will be the start and end of every day. You have a set partner for LIFE!! 

Marriage is also work.

Marriage is constantly loving someone where they are. Not where you see them in the future and not where you wish they were. Love them where they are right now. And 'right now' changes as you grow together. And loving as you grow is so important. 

Marriage means continually communicating how you honestly feel. It is about realizing where a compromise can be made and consistently considering how an action will affect you both. It's also about being upfront when something doesn't sit right.. If there is only one person making compromises - talk honestly about it.

Marriage should be a partnership. Your feelings and desires cannot outweigh the other's. 

Marriage is great but sometimes it's hard. There will be disagreements and when new ones show up - leave the old ones alone. Don't fight ugly. Words said in the height of stress do not go away. Ever. Love is knowing someone's triggers and never using them.

And no matter what is happening - always love her first. 

Today you will talk down the aisle and say 'I do!'

Today you start your new forever.

Today you will become Meghan's husband.

And I wish you and Meghan the very best.

We love you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautifully said. Congratulations to Uncle Travis and Aunt Meghan!