Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 30 - Self-portrait(ish)

Today is the last day of Dana's 30 Day Photo Challenge! It's our final self-portrait and I have to be honest, I had some help. I KNEW what picture I wanted to take but couldn't make it work on my own. So I asked my Beloved and he snapped this picture (even though he thinks it might be cheating).

Are you laughing? Because ya should be! ;) This is what my dear, sweet Beloved goes to bed with every night. :)

I have to sleep in complete darkness. I'm talking towels over alarm clocks dark! My Freshman year of college my roommate preferred to sleep with a night light. This was a challenge. I tried a few different things including piercing my ear on the left side so I'd be forced to sleep on my right. This turned out to be foolish but cute! :) So I started sleeping with a face mask and it helped tremendously. Now I can't sleep without it. If the pressure over my eyes isn't there, I don't sleep. I'm such a Wack-a-Doo!

I was also diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel several years ago. (Being tested for it is a story in itself!) Apparently repetitive typing and knitting aren't any good for a 25 year old who has a habit of being the 1 in the 'one in every 5' rule. Awesome. So in an effort to prevent things from getting so bad, I have to sleep in wrist braces. I'm also supposed to wear them when I type or knit. I'm telling you, my Daniel is one lucky boy! ;)

Thanks for sticking with me!

Until next time...


Kristl said...

Thanks for making my last 30 days awesome!! Reading your posts has become part of my morning routine.

Love ya!!

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

:) Awwww! Thanks! I'll try to keep posting things on a more regular basis. We'll see how good I do. ;)