Monday, September 5, 2011

The Cricket in My Hair

That's a play on the book The Cricket in Time Square which is one of my favorites from my childhood and has nothing to do with today's story. It only provided the title inspiration. Proceed.

I love hot showers. I start every day with one. But today's shower was less than relaxing.

I usually check the shower for uninvited guests - IE: roaches - before I get in. This morning(ish) I didn't. I get in and look up to see a cricket. I'm not sure it was a cricket but it had cricket-like characteristics and crickets seem friendly so I'm sticking with it being a cricket. I mildly panic and go in to immediate survival mode. I try climbing up and whacking it but I almost slip and figure me bashing my head on the side of the tub would be counterproductive. So I decide to glance up every few seconds to make sure my little friend is still there.

I get my hair all soapy and quickly glance up only to see my friend has disappeared. (Insert Day 8 Bad Habit here) Full swing panic sets it - it's in my hair, I just know it. And in the process soap gets in my eye. So with one eye closed, I'm hopping all over the tub looking for a stupid bug. Only it isn't anywhere. I rinse my hair 5 times thinking the cricket would wash out, right? Only it doesn't - cricket's don't lay eggs do they?

I swiftly finish and robe up and go running in to the living room where my sister is. "I think there's a cricket in my hair!" To which my concerned sister looks up from her Words with Friends game, rolls her eyes, shakes her head and goes back to her game. No help at all.

I go back to the bathroom (with one red eye) and brush my hair 6 times and no bug falls out. And I can't find the bug anywhere in the bathroom. ANYWHERE!!

Daniel thinks it crawled back in to the light. I'm trying to believe that.

Surely a bug would fall out of my hair after 5 rinses and 6 brush outs, right? RIGHT?!?!

1 comment:

Kristl said...

I would have gotten out of the shower (immediately!!) and decided I was clean enough for today.

You are braver than I. Thanks for the laugh.