Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just a Tuesday

There are moments in life where you will always remember where you were when.

It was a Tuesday. We got up to get ready for class, turned on our TV and watched the world change. It looked like a movie - hijacked planes, burning buildings. I remember thinking Will Smith was going to come swiftly to the rescue and get the girl. Only he didn't. And it wasn't.

We watched the world change live on every channel. We were glued to our TV sets for days watching the destruction over and over and over again until we thought we couldn't cry any more. Only we could because 9/11 is a wound that should never heal. It left a massive scar that will never go away.

We stopped as a nation and cried together. Then we got angry together. Then we came together. This horrible act changed my nation but it also brought my nation together.

And now its been 10 years. A decade. Just crazy.

I was watching a little bit of the ceremony this morning and listened to the names being read. A girl was reading names and ended with her dad's name, she lost him when she was nine making her 19 now. That's a lot of life! That's Junior High, High School, College - all without her dad because some wack-a-doo's had a 'mission'. And it still doesn't make any sense.

10 years later the footage still makes me cry. 10 years later the stories still break my heart.

And I hope it always will.

Until next time....

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