Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I love my husband and I'm very thankful he loves me too. And he even KNOWS me!! He understands I get a little ragey when I let the house work pile up. He can predict his evening by judging if I had to go to Walmart or not. He can tell how cranky I'm going to be by what shoes I wear to work. He knows how crazy I get when I take on a project.

So last night when I told him I wanted to paint the hallway yellow, he looked a little worried. I then explained I wanted to paint it with alternating flat paint and glossy paint like I saw on Pinterest. His response - 'D*#% Pinterest'.

And then later when I told him Craft Hope has a new project posted, he winced. I told him it was sewing cute sock monkeys!! Sock monkeys can't be hard to sew, right? His response - 'D*#% Craft Hope.'

He doesn't mean to take it out on the sites that facilitate my issues, it's just the only way to express himself. He knows any additional project I take on right now might push me over the ledge I'm always teetering on. :)

When I told him I was going to blog about this, he said.....you guessed it! 'D*#% blog.' :)

He might take my smart phone away and ban me from all things online.

Only he won't cuz he loves me. Silly boy. :)

Until next time......

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

OMG.....I so saw the flat/glossy paint idea on Pinterest too and LOVE it!!! Let me know how it turns out friend....Miss ya :)