Monday, November 14, 2011

My Daniel

I'm a very lucky girl when it comes to husbands. He's handy, not obsessed with sports or hunting , has decent taste in music and likes to read. ;) He's polite and even tempered and kind. I still smile when I introduce him as my husband.

My Beloved doesn't have to be at work until much later then I do but he gets up with me while I get ready in the morning. And since I'm usually in a hurry, he makes my lunch for me. :) And he makes my Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches the way I like even though he completely disagrees.
He makes me laugh, he brings me comfort, he helps me clean the house and he loves me. Even though I'm crazy.

I'm thankful for him. Always.

Until next time.....


Kristl said...

How different can your variations on a peanut butter sandwich be? I mean, it's a peanut butter sandwich ... bread + peanut butter = done. Right?

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

Well technically it's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And I feel as though there should be peanut butter on both sides of the bread with a little jelly in the middle. Daniel doesn't agree. He feels as though the jelly is the point and thinks there should be more of that. He's obviously very wrong. ;)

In the Mix said...

My Daniel makes his pb&js with butter on both sides before the peanut butter and jelly. Now I love me some butter but I think his way is crazy.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

Butter?! Crazy boy! :)