Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pronator Teres Syndrome

I've mentioned my Carpal Tunnel issues before. Well, it got so bad I decided to pursue corrective surgery. I go in to see if surgery is the best option and have to go through all the same torture tests I went through years ago only to find out it's not Carpal Tunnel and was never Carpal Tunnel. Lovely. Instead it's Pronator Teres Syndrome. As soon as I read "it's rare compared to.." I knew it was mine! I'm the 1 in 5 after all.

So I schedule the surgeries. (Hence my silence - it hurts to type. It hurts less today - lucky you. ;)) I had my first (right hand) surgery last Tuesday - here's how my day went...

I arrive at the hospital without makeup or food at 10am like they told me. At Noonish, a nurse comes out and asks for Mr. Christie. *sigh* I stand - "it's Mrs. Christie". The nurse looks down and says "No, it says Timothy." *deeper sigh* "Probably it says Timberley" I say. She looks down, laughs and says "oh yeah! It does say Timberley!" This does NOT give me confidence in my hospital.

She takes me back, I get to change and then we start with the IV drama. Nurse #1 can't find a place to stick me. Bless her heart, she tries. I have the bruise to prove it. After about 10 minutes and a couple pokes I tell her to bring my mom in from the lobby - she can stick me. She giggles. Only I'm not playing. She brings in Nurse #2. She looks at my arm, can't find anything and then proceeds to smack my arm. I turn bright pink. And she says "well, now you're all pink and I can't see a thing!" No confidence AT ALL. FINALLY Nurse #2 finds a vein and manages to start the IV. This means my Beloved and Mom can come back. As soon as they get back, the nurses leave and shut the door, I say "Ok, Timothy wants to leave. Grab my clothes, we're out of here." :)

Only I stayed - I've already paid after all and I'm already in the gown so might as well. I'm wheeled back to the OR and wake up 2 1/2 hours later with an arm bandaged from hand to right above the elbow. That's not like the commercial! The commercial says tiny incision, back to work the next day! I know - I helped edit the darn things!!

Only I'm the 1 in 5 so I didn't get that surgery. I get a big wrapped up arm for a week and get to shower with those gloves they use to inseminate cows. Lovely.

The Doctor said my nerve was in very bad shape so I might have permanent damage but at least my hand functions now! I have a VERY sore arm still and I ended up in tears after closing the fridge the wrong way this morning - I found that frayed nerve! Yeah buddy. But I'm hoping this surgery helps.

I have the left scheduled for next Thursday. I'll be half mummy for Christmas. Oh joy, oh delight.

Ok, that was lot, now my arm hurts. I'll be back again when I can. Bare with me.

Until next time....

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