Friday, March 16, 2012

Hey Kid...

Today you turn 18. That’s 18 years of learning, laughing, growing. That’s 18 years we’ve had to share together. Through ups and downs – nears and fars. And there’s not a second I would trade. There are a lot of special moments but I’m going to limit myself to 18. ;)

I remember….

…the day you were born - middle of spring break & VERY early in the morning. Dad woke me up and I’m pretty sure I told him to go away. I got up the second time he came to my room. :)

…rocking you to sleep while humming “Just as I am”. It worked every time.

…your curly, kinky hair and the way you twirl it when you’re tired.

…the cute incorrect way you used to say words like “schreket” for ‘secret’ and “kanks!” for ‘thanks’. We hated correcting you – it was just so cute.

…you crying “I no wan a NOP!” after we said you needed a N-A-P.

…the first day of Kindergarten, Middle School and High School.

…when at 7 you told me I couldn’t get a tattoo because I “wasn’t that kind of girl”.

…the sound of Lego’s being racked through a bucket from upstairs.

…you standing outside my Blazer telling me the frog in my window was going to crawl into the engine and cause it to blow up saying “I’ve seen this a thousand times” – at 13 years old.

…the Kid Car adventures in California.

…the time I got pulled over with you in the car and you saying “Hmmm!! I’m telling mom!”.

…the time we spent the week without mom and you needed help with a VBS verse. You couldn’t remember which one so I asked for a description. And in all seriousness, you looked at me and said “Timberley, you know, the one with God in it! Like He’s the God of everyone and He loves us.” I think my eye started twitching. When I told you the Bible is full of such verses you said "I know you know which one Timberley". I STILL don't know which verse you were looking for.

…our Brother/Sister dance at our wedding.

…how I used to say “Guess what?” and you would say “What?” and I would say “I love you”. It got to the point where I would say “Guess what?” and you would immediately say “I love you too”. :)

…how you call me and Tami “The Sisters”. And you'll always be my Booganose.

…the first time you drove.

…you riding your Cappi.

…you winning the buckle at Miracle Farm’s Day in the country.

There are countless more we’ve shared and countless more we’ll share. College is coming up. I’ll try to limit the crying. ;)

So Happy 18th Munchkin! Here’s to many, many more.

And guess what?
I love you.


Heather Pustejovsky said...

AWWWW! I shed a tear :-)

In the Mix said...

Just read this today. I don't even know the kid and you made me cry. :)