Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Permanent Paw Prints

Sorry about the silence. It's not because I don't love you anymore. It's because life has been awfully dull lately. Okay, not really dull but terribly uneventful.

I turned 31. Gross.

We got the foundation of our house done. Also gross. In order to save our sanity, Atticus and I spent the day at mom's avoiding the jackhammering. When we get home, Daniel is showing me the difference and Atti does this to the shiny new concrete:
We were home for all of 5 minutes before he managed to step in it. Yeesh. Now until we have the porch redone, it will be a permanent reminder that a dog does in fact live there. :)

I'll try to be better about writing.

Until next time.....

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