Friday, April 20, 2012

The Odds are Rarely in My Favor....

Side Story: I think everyone is a little crazy and love isn't about fixing the other person of their crazy. Love is about learning to carry your crazy and their crazy at the same time. That's LOVE. Love is carrying your baggage and their baggage with no complaints. Okay, very few complaints.

I say this because I'm a complete nut case and my Beloved loves me regardless. But he's a little crazy himself! For example, every time we replace the $2 shower liner before it goes in the trash - he cuts out the magnets. All four. Every time. So we have a fridge covered in little round magnets. If you've seen our fridge, you know - we do not need any more magnets. Ever. But it doesn't stop him - "they're good magnets!!"

I tell you this story to bring you the story of the Book Club Magnets.

I'm in a Book Club and we meet every so often to talk about a book most of us finished. ;) This month while we didn't read Hunger Games as a group, we decided to see the movie because we've all read the book. In honor of that, I thought I'd make the girls something crafty and since I have a ton of good magnets - I figured magnets would be easy!

So I print the little Hunger Games related circles, buy the rocks and Mod Podge and get to work! And they are SUPER CUTE!!

When Daniel gets home I show him my quick craft! I place them on the fridge and then hear "plop, plop plop!". All of the cute little magnets hit the floor. Apparently our 'good' magnets aren't good enough to hold up stones and we had to go to Hobby Lobby to buy more magnets. More magnets! Never fails.

They did turn out cute! And we still have a fridge full of 'good-ish' magnets. But it's okay! I Pinterest so I got ideas! :)
Until next time...

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