Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Doctors: Dr. Mata

Because I'm High Maintenance Risk - I get two doctors! :) Dr. Mata has been with me since the beginning and is my regular ObGYN. She is extremely patient and never tries to medicate me even though I should probably be. She understands there is a very high possibility that I'm going to cry in her office. Every time. Pregnant or not. Yep - medicated. For the record - going to the doctor is a very nerve-wracking thing! For reals. 

Now she gets to see my crazy self on a very regular basis. :) We get to entertain her and the nurses every 4 - 6 weeks. Lucky them! 

In usual form - the appointments have been entertaining. 

On my 8 week check up I was a little nervous. I'd had some cramping and spotting and was in total freak mode (and mom was in Thailand and unavailable by phone, so selfish. ;) ). I go in and have to wait forever because that's what you do when you go to the doctor - you wait. This only increases anxiety. When I finally go back the nurse attempts to find a heartbeat and can't - complete freak mode now sets in. By the time the doctor comes in to the room - complete hysterics have also set in. "I've had some spotting (sniff, sniff) and cramps (sniff, sniff) and the nurse can't find a heart beat (sniff, sniff) and my mom is in Thailand and I can't call her."  She hands me a Kleenex and pats me on the knee, "it's okay, you just need to see your baby." She does an ultrasound and there's a little fluttery thing and everything was right with the world. 

On one of the last visits we discussed birth. I want a C-section - she thinks we should try a 'normal' birth. No thank you. Here's how that conversation goes:
Me: But I want a c-section! 
Dr: I think we should try a natural birth.
Me: Do you know how much I weighed at birth?! 9 lbs 6 oz!
Dr: Oh my!  she then notes this on my chart.
Me: Yeah! And my little brother was 9.9 and he was 3 weeks early!
Dr: Oh my!  more notes.
Me: All the first born women in my family have weighed 9.6. If this is a girl - tradition says she'll be 9.6! 
Dr: Okay, we'll schedule a c-section and play it by ear. 

At the last visit I got to take a sugar test - it wasn't so bad! She said they would only call if something was wrong but I'm pretty sure my chart says "she's crazy so call her no matter the results" and they called to tell me everything came back good. While in the office we discussed my weight and stress and how my stress doesn't effect our little biscuit. This is a massive comfort to me. She then went on to tell my husband that knowing me, I'll be a little more quick to emotional responses. As we were walking out I tell my beloved "I'm pretty sure the doctor just said I was crazy." "Well" he said, "she does know you." Nice.

According to the book, my Beloved was supposed to help pick out my doctor. When he tells me this I say "trust me, she's the doctor for me."

Now let's meet Dr. Hare!

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