Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Broken World

My Beloved came home to a crying wife again Friday. My first words to him were "Alice is going to be home schooled. She'll learn everything she needs to know from seasons of Supernatural and Veronica Mars." And because he knows me, he said okay. 

The sadness that is the assassination of an entire classroom of babies is something that should break every heart. 

And now the debates begin. 

Who's to blame:
~Some will blame the shooters parents. This is unfair and unjustified. Even if it turns out he has spent his entire life living with abuse, it does not justify his actions. NOTHING justify his actions. Nothing.
~Some will blame gun laws. Seriously? Both sides have it wrong. Gun activists will claim harsher gun laws will "impede freedoms." Bull pucky. Our founding fathers meant the "right to bear arms" as protection I.E. guns used to protect self and home. NOT semi automatic assault rifles - pretty sure they didn't see those coming. Should people be able to protect themselves if they feel threatened - yes. Should this be done with weapons designed to kill on a mass level - not so much. Some will say they have the right to 'collect' such guns - again, bull pucky. Joe Blow doesn't need a semi automatic assault rifle....or four. Period. Anti Gun people will say no one should have a gun....ever. Yeah, good luck with that! Much like moonshine and drugs - people will get the things they want be it legal or illegal. We're a tricksy folk and we justify things we do that aren't right. And guns exist and so do people and as long as we both exist - we'll keep using them on each other. Period.
~Some will attempt to blame a school that wasn't prepared. Again - seriously?! How do you prepare for something like this? How do you see this as even being an option? The answer - you don't. You don't until you're standing face to face with a shooter on a mission. And then it's a little too late. They did what they could and they died protecting their children and next time things will be different. Because it's a sad world we live in and there will be a next time. That makes me sound like a Debby Downer but truth is truth. 

People are asking for a reason. Will that help? Will it help to know he killed a classroom full of kids because his mom told him to take out the trash? Or he lost a game of Call of Duty? Or someone somewhere made fun of his glasses? 


He killed a classroom full of kids because he was broken. Broken beyond repair. It doesn't matter who failed him along the way, the actions he took were his. And those actions have destroyed families forever. 

All those babies did was go to school. That's all I keep thinking. 

All they did was go to school.  A place where they were supposed to feel safe. A place of learning. 

And that's been destroyed. Not only for the Sandy Hook community but for a nation of kids. 

After Columbine, our high school ran drills for 'just in case'. Will Elementary schools add those drills to their schedule now? How heartbreaking. 

So my heart hurts for a broken world. It hurts for the family and friends of the victims, the traumatized teachers and students left to pick up the pieces and the general state of which our world is headed. 

It's just so sad. 

So for now, I'll snuggle with our girl and tell her I love her as much as I can because there are mommy's that won't get that chance tonight for no other reason then a broken boy. 

Until next time....

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