Sunday, December 16, 2012

Because I need a Laugh.....

TMI: This will be filed under 'Too Much Info' but The Sara(h)'s and Kristl could use a laugh so here goes...I haven't had a 'monthly visitor' since Marchish. I also haven't been at work since September. Last Monday was my first day back after spending 3 months with zero contact with the people I work with. None. Nothing..for three months. No "how's it going?" "are you alive?" NOTHING. This doesn't leave me with warm fuzzies. So my first day back I get an email saying my action item for the day is to inventory and pack everything and send it to the corporate office under the guise of "end of year inventory". Yeah, okay. Since I'm NOT an idiot, I also pack up some of my personal items from my office including the contents of my desk drawers including a bag of girly items. 

So I get to work on Tuesday and guess what I need!? Yep. Never fails. 

Sounds from the Baby's Room:
A few weeks ago, our sweet little angel child had a particularly disgusting diaper and her mother called 'Not It' so the daddy got to change it. As I'm sitting in the living room - this is what I hear: "Uggggg!! That is disgusting little girl! Oh my god. Ewwwww! Don't put your socks in it! Oh my lord - I worry about your survival skills Alice. Uggg!! SHE'S STILL GOING!" At this point I'm snorting with laughter and head in to assist him. 
Friday after I fed her she spit up all over me and her and the couch. And I mean ALL OVER. So my Beloved takes the child so I can clean up the couch. As I'm cleaning the couch cushion with spit up dripping down my shirt and pant leg, he's in the bathroom cleaning up Alice. This time I hear "Oh my lord it's everywhere. She has enough outfits, can't we just cut this one off of her?!" And I snort. I can't believe the hospital let us bring home a child. Seriously. 

I was retelling this story to my mom and Daniel called me a tattle tale. I reassured him this was going in the blog because as he would say "funny is funny." 

Our Poor Pound Puppy: The dog is starved for attention. Poor little thing. The other morning he was underfoot and I looked at him and said "listen, we're all out of patience and what patience we have has to go the baby so we need you play independently. Go find your bone." He didn't. 

I went to the store a few days later and bought him a bone because he really has been a very good dog. As I'm unpacking the groceries I notice he is sitting very patiently next to a bag. The bag holding his bone. :) 

A Young Man's Game: My Beloved and I feel that having a baby is something young people should do. At 35 and 31, we might be too old. We like sleep. We miss sleep. I tried to put my phone in the Diaper Genie the other day. And trust me, if I ever manage to put my phone in the Diaper Genie - I'm buying a new phone. 

Our Feisty Young One: But no matter how tired we are - we LOVE our girl. We think she's brilliant and cute and perfect. And she is definitely strong willed. We had her in one of those swaddle blankets the other day and she managed to free both of her hands. She doesn't like being tied down, at all. :)

Until next time......

1 comment:

In the Mix said...

Ha! Happy parenthood!!