Friday, October 11, 2013

Enema Ball

We watch a lot of kids shows.

I mean A LOT.

I go to sleep singing Sid's 'I love my Mom' song or the theme to Abby's Flying Fairy School. Really. It's just sad.

I keep the TV on but I don't always pay attention. I'm flitting around the house the other day and hear the character tell the children it's time for Enema Ball!!

Ummm....come again?

So I drop what I'm doing and focus on the TV. Apparently he is saying ANIMAL ball and the kids have to make an animal noise every time they touch the ball. 

BIG difference. HUGE! 

We were up with the Sprout channel last week and Noddle and Doodle came on. The new guy tells the kids to get on the Noddle and Doodle bus for some arts & crafts only it sounds like 'farts & crafts'. My Beloved says "did he just say farts and crafts?!"

Yeah, we might need to read more.

Until next time....


Kristl said...

I learned something new
something cool today
I know it inside out
And upside down
I learned all about _________!

We love Sid. And Meg is our neighbor from Berkeley.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

We like Sid too! And his mom's name is Alice!! ;)