Friday, October 11, 2013

M is for.....

....morning messes!!! This girl starts her Operation Destroy the House very early. ;)

Now for a different mourning. 

She got up a little early this morning and since I had the entire day to correct my puffy eyes, I figured it might be a good time to watch last nights Glee. They lost an actor a few months back and I knew it would be emotional. Say what you will about the show - but I like it. I think it's great.

Last night they addressed the loss of a loved one as only Glee can do; with humor and ridiculousness and respect. 

Each character mourned the only way they knew how. 

And it reminded me how important that is to remember.

People mourn the only way they know how. People do what it takes to breathe every day after. 

Some cry. Some blame. Some avoid. Some stay busy. Some scream. Some deny.

It's not my job to tell them they're doing it wrong. It's my job to be there as they mourn. To let them know that no matter what needs to be done, I'm here to do it. 

And it's not my place to tell them what they should mourn. Loss is loss. Period. 

People who have to face someone hurting tend to panic. I understand. 

But sometimes when you love someone who is hurting, just showing up is enough. 

Until next time.....

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