Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Cat's Meow

I work in an old building that is not in the best of shape. This being said, we have a problem with critters making their way in to our building. A few weeks ago as I'm sitting at my desk I hear a tiny little 'meow' coming from my ceiling. OMG! I quickly call my coworker who swiftly comes down to my office. I shush her and we wait. 'MEOW!' OMG! We tell the building guy and he says 'crap'. He hates when critters invade his building. Eventually the hidden kitten moves on and the meowing stops. Thankfully! I can't handle the meows - they stress me out.

Fast forward to last week.

I arrive to work to find the doors to the lab shut, the lights off and the front door propped open. Ummmm. It turns out the kittens have been caught and now we're waiting for the mom to come out of the attic. The kittens are placed in a box in a room with the attic door open. And we wait. Then the meowing starts. We keep going in to check on the little creatures - they are so cute! And we look for the Momma at the attic door. By this time I have visions of the angry momma landing on my head - this makes me jumpy. Okay, so it makes me MORE jumpy. Whatever. I glance up to the attic, see eyes and squeal. This scares the momma and back to the attic she goes. This is probably my fault. Friday when I arrive the scene is much the same! Meows all around and now two attic doors are opened. The Mom gets close but is too scared to jump down. Silly cat. We're standing in the hall talking when I happen to glance up and see the Momma hanging out of the attic door. Full scream this time. Yep. She goes back in to hiding. They set a trap over the weekend and somehow the tricksy momma managed to eat the food, trip the trap and escape. Clever little thing.

By yesterday the entire front of the building smelled like Tuna and cats - yuck. The cute little kittens (that were cute for all of 2 seconds before they started hissing) took a trip to a local shelter where they are sure to be adopted. The poor Mom got left behind. She spent the rest of yesterday crying at the attic door. She's fraying my nerve. I hope she finds her way out soon.

I tell my Beloved how sad she must be to have her little babies taken from her! He said cats don't think like that. I asked him how he knew cats didn't think like that! He was never a cat! They don't talk! And he said he just knows these things. Uh huh.

Until next time...

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