Monday, October 31, 2011

Oh the Horror!

My Beloved and I spend a lot of time in the car and it always surprises me at the different things we notice. He will see things I miss and I will catch things he doesn't. It's fun! Well, while out running errands the other day, my Beloved glances over at a shopping center, says "Oh man, I wish I hadn't seen that" and then shakes his head in disgust.
"See what?" I ask.
"That sign. I don't want to think about it - it upsets me too much." he says, clearly upset by something.
I turn around to see what he is talking about. And this is it:
It made me laugh. "It's giving me heart burn" he says, "it better be owned by more than one Stephanie."
I say "There is famine and war and death in the world and THAT is what upsets you?!"
"Famine and war and death are inevitable! There is no excuse for bad punctuation!" he says.
Now we try to avoid driving by said establishment. It makes my Beloved very sad. :)
Until next time....

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