Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

I had so much fun with Dana's Photo Challenge that I thought I'd give myself one. And in the spirit of the season, I thought I'd spotlight the things I'm thankful for. So here is my attempt to blog a picture daily for the month of November! Some will be silly. Some will be serious. Some will be things I take for granted. But ALL will be things I cherish.

Here's the first picture!
It took me 2 hours to get to work this morning. 2 HOURS. I work in Houston, not Austin. Traffic makes me ragey but thanks to my lovely Aunt Kristl and her bootlegged copies of the Harry Potter Audio Books - I don't mind it so much any more. Today I was thankful to envision Mad Eye Moody bouncing the Ferret Malfoy up and down the hall while I was stuck behind a mass of vehicles. :) So thank you, Kristl for the CD's and thank you, JK Rowling for the stories. You both help ease my road rage. :)

Until next time....

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