Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More of this and that....

Peepers: We spent this past weekend at Mom's house all together. Travis came home with what he thought was a scratched eye but turned out to be a very bad eye infection, one that required drops every hour on the hour. While mom was busy cooking I offered to administer the drops. She said the drops are on his nightstand. No problem! I got this! I reach his room, pick up the bottle of eye stuff, tell the sleeping Child to hold his eye open and put a drop in. And then I realize there is another tiny bottle of eye stuff on his clock - where mom said it would be. Oops. I tell the Child I put the wrong drops in and to hold his eye open again. This wakes him up! "YOU PUT THE WRONG DROPS IN?!" It was an honest mistake! And one I only made ONCE!! In all fairness, I was only allowed to put drops in his eye one more time after that. One out of two ain't bad! I come back down the stairs and Mom says "you weren't up there for half a second before he was screaming, what on earth?" So I told her what happened which made her take a deep breath and shake her head. He can still see! I think....

The Power is Gone: I had a feather in my hair. It was cute and blue and a little bit rebellious (not really - everyone and their grandma has feathers in their hair) and last night it fell out. :( It also pulled out several strands of hair. This morning I wake up cranky because I didn't sleep a wink last night. I think my favorite wine is starting to work against me; I spent the night tossing and turning. While getting dressed this morning I struggled with my shirt sleeves (seriously, why must they make the cuffs so tight?!) which made my Beloved and the dog very entertained. In my annoyance and defeat, I say "My feather is gone, I've lost all my power." This makes my Beloved laugh because he's married to a total nutcase.

Me & Jim Dale: He reads to me when I'm driving. He does all the voices just like I hear them (except Moaning Myrtle). Since Judy's accident (it was probably mostly my fault) she has a lot of road noise. I'm not sure what the issue is but she now screams at me when we're on the freeway (this is probably mostly my fault as well) so I have to play my Harry Potter books really loud. And I didn't realize this until the other day but you can clearly hear Jim from outside of my car. So when I roll to a stop light and the cars next to me are looking at me like I'm crazy, it makes me laugh. Yeah, I blare my Harry Potter books!! I'm gangsta like that! ;)

Until next time....

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