Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I NEVER take this for granted. I love indoor plumbing. I love that I can have hot water whenever I want. I love that I can flush. Gone are the days of using an Outhouse!

I would not have survived before indoor plumbing. We often have 'but what if this' conversations and it always ends the same - NOT HAPPENING. For example, my Beloved will ask "but say we were camping..." "Yeah, I'm not camping." "OK, say we were stuck in the middle of the desert.." "Why are we in the desert?! Deserts are HOT! No thank you." This is the point where my Beloved rolls his eyes and gives up.

We were watching this show where a survivalist and his wife were being dropped in different locations so she could 'learn to survive'. One episode featured them drinking their own urine. I paused the show and told my husband if our survival rested on us drinking each others pee - I choose death. To which he replied "Duly noted." When we talked about the show, Daniel would point out that it would be handy to know how to survive in those situations. I have no intention of being stranded in the middle of a desert or the rain forest and can't even begin to fathom the situation that would drop me there. Crazy people.

I don't really like Outside all together. We were at a party a few weeks ago and someone told a story about a lady who swallowed a bee through a straw in a drink she had while outside. His moral of the story was to always cover your straw when outside. My moral of the story was don't go outside.

Today I'm thankful for inside, air conditioning and hot water heaters. I'm thankful for hot showers and toilets that flush and ovens that cook. I'm thankful for a Beloved who has no desire to camp. I'm thankful for dishwashers and microwaves and cable. I'm thankful for the Internet and smart phones and blogs. ;)

Until next time....

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