Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello 2012!

I've decided to forgo the resolutions - they only lead to disappointment. So I'm just gonna wing it. I'm taking on 2012 on a wing and a prayer and I'll see how things turn out in the end.

2011 was rough and I am ECSTATIC it's over.

Let's review and move on -

*Lost a job (this is bittersweet because while it was stressful - I saw it coming and it is by far the BEST thing to happen for me - so this is a toss up. It did provide several entertaining blogs so I guess it wasn't all that bad)
*Got two tickets - go me
*Wrecked my Judy car - again, go me
*Found out we owed The Man - I hate owing The Man
*Diagnosed a very sinking house and started plans on remodeling - heaven help me
*Had surgery on both hands - the Left is presenting several problems (blog to follow)

There are several other little annoyances but I've blocked them out. They are so last year.

So I had a spoonful of Black Eyed Peas and toasted to a new year.

Hello 2012, it's good to see you. Here's hoping we can be friends.

Until next time....

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