Tuesday, January 3, 2012

To the Left - in Pictures!

Let me start by saying that had I had my left arm done first - the right arm would have never been fixed. The left arm has been a trial - from start to finish. I'm still waiting on the finish. Yes. A trial.

But I promised pictures so here you go.

Ready to go! I arrived at 10am like I was told. This is about 2pm. I'm STARVING.

Nurse #3 had no problem at all finding a vein. Bless her.

Ice to keep the swelling down, a knitting needle to help with the itching and a cuddly dog to help me heal.
Shower Items: Giant Cow Inseminating Gloves and Painters tape to secure it. Oh joy, oh delight! This is after the wrap came off. Apparently my left arm is allergic to the surgical tape. It's still red and itchy by the way. And apparently, my left nerve was more 'sensitive' than my right nerve. It's not handling being man handled very well. I still have little feeling in my first and third finger and have absolutely NO feeling in my middle finger.The Doctor did a poky test and seems to think the nerve isn't dead - just really angry. Lovely. I'm typing this with my pinkie - no fun. I get to go to Physical Therapy at the end of the week, maybe that will help.

Here's hoping the finish line is in sight...

Until next time...

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