Thursday, January 3, 2013

Touchdown Zones and Tight Ends

We don't watch a lot of football in our house. Mostly because we just don't care and I lose interest before the first flag is thrown (they throw flags in football, right?!) and then I start asking questions and this eventually leads to my Beloved asking if there's anything else on. :) However this past Sunday there was NOTHING on BUT football. NOTHING. So we turned on the Texans game. Within the first whatever I say "uh oh, they're (the other team) getting close to the painted grass! I know that's the touchdown zone!" My Beloved corrects me "babe, it's called the End Zone. But Touchdown Zone is cute!" Whatevs. 

We're watching a little longer and the Texans have a decent play but a flag is thrown for 'Pass Interference'. This sparks a debate between me and my Beloved because I'm pretty sure half the point of football is to interfere with passes. I'm pretty sure HALF THE TEAM works towards that goal! I can't remember if they're the Offense or the Defense but I'm pretty sure that's the goal! He tried to explain the difference but I glazed over. 

Seriously. Football is silly. 

A little bit goes by (still in the same quarter though because 14 minutes is NEVER just 14 minutes) and Owen Daniels has a pretty play. My Beloved makes the comment that Owen Daniels is a pretty good player. The commentator mentions Andre Johnson and I say "I know that name! I think he's good!" 
My Beloved: Yeah but I have an affinity for Tight Ends.
Me: immature chuckling 
My (eye rolling) Beloved proceeds to tell me why he has so much respect for the Tight End position but who cares really.

All I heard was my husband say he likes tight ends. *snort

And with my sleep deprivation and my BBB (Broken Baby Brain) I laugh like a loon at all sorts of inappropriate things. And I'm okay with that. 

Until next time....

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