Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I should never be allowed out of the house!

The invitations went out last week. There is no turning back now! :) The countdown clock keeps ticking and the ball is rolling faster. And I find it humorous that something as simple as mailing out wedding invitations could turn in to a story worth reenacting.

How to mail invitations.

The easy way:
1: take stamped envelopes to post office
2: put envelopes in mail slot
3: return home

The Timberley way:
1: take stamped envelopes to post office
2: put envelopes in mail slot
3: get hand STUCK in mail slot because you worry that not all of the invitations made it in to the waiting bucket below the slot
4: seriously contemplate how many people will comment on the YouTube video as soon as it hits the Internet
5: ponder what your mother will tell her friends when they watch the entire fire department "freeing" you on the evening news
6: realize this is going in the "another example she's crazy" column for your boss
7: FINALLY, quietly free your very bruised hand after several silent hysterical moments
8: return home and reenact your typical Timberley moment for all to enjoy

Nothing is easy and nothing is simple. These moments remind me that I should probably spend my days heavily supervised. :)

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