Monday, January 25, 2010

invisible, forgettable me

"Pity Party for One, your table is now available."

I don't know what it is about me but I must be invisible. I must have some kind of cloaking gene that no one knows exists. People will run in to me all the time. Physically bump in to me! I will be in a store, make eye contact with the person headed in my direction and they will STILL run their basket in to me. "Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there!" Really?! Seriously?! Daniel thought I was exaggerating but he's been with me twice now and has had a chance to witness my invisibility. The second time I got hit he said "Wow". Yep, that about sums it up. Wow. I can stand in a group of people and never get noticed. One time in college I was driving friends to a party. A girl got in, said hello to everyone in the car but me. It was brought to her attention that I was there as well and her response was "Oh, I didn't see you there." IN THE DRIVERS SEAT. Really?! (She was probably just a horrible girl - but still, it's something that obviously stuck with me!)

And I must be forgettable as well. I've "met" people several times. I've worked at the same company for 6 years and I "meet" some of the same people every few weeks. I get asked all the time "are you new?". That makes me feel warm and fuzzy. When we eat out, it doesn't matter if I'm in a group of 5 or 20, my meal is going to be missing. Not wrong - completely missing! I try to give people the benefit of the doubt but by the time my friends are halfway through their meal, I know I've been forgotten. Some of my friends don't remember my birthday either. Even the ones that have a Facebook where you're sent reminders! Argh. The person who performed our wedding promised to send us a copy of our vows on our one year anniversary. That was August. He's known me most of my life and yet he forgot me. :( That one hurt a lot. He's never mentioned it either.

Maybe it's the wine talking but I fear I'm invisible. And I doubt I'm very memorable either. Maybe I should be louder or wear neon pink or a silly hat made of Foil.

Maybe I should just be content to be loved by the ones immune to my Invisibility gene. My family loves me and they can see me! And they remember me too! And some of them think I'm pretty witty! :) I have a handful of dear friends that remember me as well, some of them will tell you I'm a bully but they're just confused. :) And there's always my Daniel. I like to pretend I'm all he sees. :)

Ok, that feels better. "Pity Party for One" no longer needs her table.

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