Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

I have garden envy. I have friends that can grow just about anything and have delicious "fruits of their labor" to show for it. And I'm jealous.

I want to be one of those people that can say "I grow my own veggies." It sounds so magical! To have a garden would be my head. The hopeful, whimsical side of brain thinks it would be fantastic but the realistic, reasonable part of my brain KNOWS nothing good will come from attempting a garden. Gardens are outside and we've been over the fact that I don't like Outside. And I'm horribly impatient and things don't grow or produce fast enough for me. And I'm pretty sure I've developed adult ADD so my 'focus' can be a bit sketchy at best. :)

And knowing all this - I still want a garden.

The other morning I mention my desire for a garden to my beloved. He immediately shakes his head and says No. (He likes that word and doesn't even struggle with saying it anymore. I'm not impressed. ;) ) I sweetly ask "But don't you want to grow our own veggies?" And without skipping a beat, my dear husband enthusiastically says "No! I like our canned/frozen crap just fine!"

:) He knows I'm crazy and he STILL loves me. I'm one lucky girl.

Until next time.....

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