Friday, July 9, 2010

California Adventure Day 1 - We Land!

My Aunt Kristl and her beloved David are finally married! They were married over the holiday weekend in Fremont, California and we all got to go! We spent several days in BEAUTIFUL California with a LOT of Family Bonding time. :) It was amazing so I'm going to give you the day by day adventures. So here's Day 1 for your enjoyment.

The Family (me, Daniel, my Mom, Travis, my Grandmother, my aunts Sue & Kathy) all get on a plane - sounds like a joke only there's no punch line. :) We fly Southwest so none of us sit next to each other. I end up next to a woman traveling with her husband and 4 kids. Yes - 4. God bless them! The baby in her lap is in the "grab and slap everything" phase. Fun times! His mom did a great job of attempting to keep him from touching me with his sticky fingers (why do they ALWAYS have sticky fingers?!) but it's an airplane so there was touching. :) The flight was fine and we picked up our rental cars. The Kid Car belonged to Daniel, me, Josh, Tami and Travis. The Grown Up Car held The Others. This is what the back of the Grown Up Car looked like:

Later that night, Daniel and I picked Tami and Josh up from the airport and headed to the Rehearsal Dinner at the Father of the Groom's house. The food was fantastic and everyone got to visit. It was a relaxing start to a busy weekend.

Day 1 was dedicated to travel, checking in and catching up.

Day 2 - SAN FRANSISCO!! Watch out California - here we come! :)

Until then....

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