Monday, January 17, 2011

La La Land

I spend A LOT of time in Fictional Worlds. TV, movies, books - doesn't matter. I love them all! I frequent our Public Library so much, they laminated my book reserve name page. I was so thrilled! I love my DVR and whoever thought up the Red Box as well. Brilliant! I don't know what it is but I love my 'stories'. They bring me joy!! To disappear and be absorbed in something make believe is just awesome.

So I thought I'd start a series of blogs where I share a few of my favorites. (Because I'm in denial regarding the 20x30 and this helps. :) )

We'll start with some books.

1. The India Fan by Victoria Holt. This book was given to me by my Aunt Joy for Christmas when I was younger and I've read it at least 20 times. I love the characters and their adventures. There's drama and romance and I just love it! I've handled the book so much the cover is coming off and pages are super soft. :) I've read several of her other books and they're good but this is by far my most favorite.

2. The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. I NEVER intended to read these books. They were published when I was a teenager so they never interested me. But in college, I took a Kids Lit class thinking it would be easy (not so much!) and the first book was required reading. And I was hooked. They are cleverly written and contain characters you love and characters you loathe. Passionately! And when my magic friends don't make it - I cry as if I was there. I also LOVE the Audio book versions of this series. It's narrated by Jim Dale who also narrated the TV show Pushing Daisies (it'll come up on a post soon enough!).

3. The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. These were recommended by a friend and I LOVE THEM! The characters are HYSTERICAL. They combine a crazy family with crazy criminals and a girl stuck in the middle of it all. They are easy little reads that make me laugh until I cry. Every time. The setting is New Jersey so there is some bad language, if that's something you're not in to - this might not be the series for you.

I have more but that's a good start!

So go get lost in something Make Believe!!

Until next time....

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