Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I LOVE scary movies - I can't handle them as well as I used to but I LOVE THEM. And I LOVE a good scary movie that also makes me laugh. I'm also a sucker for a witty bad guy. For these reasons, I am a big Scream fan. The original movie did a fantastic job of mixing scary with humor while poking fun at the horror genre all at the same time. Scream 2 & 3 were okay but nothing compared to the original and I'm planning on seeing Scream 4. I just have to. And at 30 years old, this time I won't have to sneak in.

You see, Scream came out in 1996 making me just 15 years old and too young to buy tickets. But my friends, Ashley and Gabi and I were resourceful souls out for an adventure and we wanted to see the movie! So Ashley (who was not 15 and could drive) picks us up and we head to the very crowded movie theater. When we discover they are checking ID's (seriously?! come on people!) in a panic, we buy tickets to Evita. It's fine! We'll just sneak in to the theater - surely they won't have anyone checking tickets at the door! We'll wait until RIGHT before the movie starts and sneak in! I'm telling you - we had a plan!

And they had a young guy checking tickets right inside the door. We open the door and bump in to him. Awesome.

Movie Dude: "Can I help you girls find something?"
Us: "Umm....yeah, we were just.... looking for .....the phones."
Movie Dude: "You're in luck - they're in here."
Us: "Really?"
Cool Movie Dude: "No, but take a seat and enjoy the movie."

And we did! We SCREAMED and laughed and thought we were pretty cool.

Seeing the Scream mask invokes that memory every time. That might be one of the reasons I like the movie so much.

I kept the Evita ticket for a long time. We were going through old stuff and I came across it and I started to smile.
"What's that?"
"My ticket to Evita."
"You bought a ticket to Evita??"
"Well, it's kind of a funny story..."

I've never even seen Evita. :)

But I'll see Scream 4!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Kristl said...

That's a great story! More people should be like the Cool Movie Guy, he is positive part of your history. I that gives him good karma.

Just like I hope the cop that gave me a ticket on my birthday has bad karma. :p