Monday, May 16, 2011

Adventures in Furniture Refinishing

Since I've had some time, I've taken on some projects around the house. Mom recently gave me a dresser that was no longer needed and I had the perfect spot for it. It's a shorter dresser and in my planning head I thought it would work perfectly for a changing table. (DISCLAIMER: This is for the FUTURE - this is NOT an announcement. This will remain only a dresser for a while! Proceed.) It was old and beat up and needed a face lift. And like with any project I do - it was an adventure.

Daniel handled the sanding and he and his dad repaired a few loose boards. Now I get to paint! The room it's going in to is green with white shelves so I decide to paint the dresser white. I'm usually morally opposed to painting wood but this wasn't an expensive piece and the quality of wood wasn't great. My first day of painting I can't find a paint stirrer anywhere in the house. Of course not - we have EVERYTHING one would need to paint, except a paint stirrer. But I find a Spork - and Sporks are universal so it will work! I get the dresser painted. White. And I go inside to let it dry. When I come back out, a bird has pooped purple stuff all over the top of my white dresser. Lovely.

I decide to move the dresser to the covered porch. I get everything painted and go back inside again. This time the dog comes to the door with a white nose. So I have to head back out and touch up the drawer with the nose print. Everything looks good so I leave it outside over night to try. The next morning I get up and there is a GIANT ROACH slowly dying next to the dresser. Seriously?! Come on! I venture out with a fly swatter in hand, smack the heck out of the offending monster and scoop it up. This is a testament to growth and how much I wanted to finish the dresser. The last time I found a roach in the house, I put a bucket over it and waited for Daniel to get home. See - growth!

I picked out new hardware and the dresser is now complete. And it looks great!

Here's the before:

Here's how it looks now!

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