Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This and That

Third Ring of Hell: I've never read Dante's Inferno but I assign rings anyway. And Walmart has to be one of them. EVERY time I go my blood pressure goes through the roof. Take Saturday for example! Daniel and I run in for something and as we're walking to our car, we see a kid collecting carts on one of the electronic cart carting devices. He SEES us, I'm SURE he does. He stops his row of carts that spans at least 3 cars (I know it's three cars because the cars to the right and left of us are in the same boat) a foot behind our car. And then proceeds to walk to the other side of the lot to collect more carts. We're sitting trapped because we cannot go anywhere and he's strolling the lot for more carts. Seriously?! Thankfully Daniel handled the kid, he's a little less irrational and not prone to violent outbursts.

2am Lovesick: (that's a Blue October song BTW) I'm not sure what Atti's problem was last night but he lost his mind! We're asleep and he proceeds to jump on our bed and start pawing us at 2-ish this morning. Uncool! Daniel lets him out but when he comes back in he's still fussy. We open the bedroom door to let him roam the house thinking maybe he's just not tired. I awake to what sounds like him throwing himself against the back door but when we get up, he's not anywhere to be found. Until we look in the guest bathroom where he is cowering in the bathtub. What the?! We talk to him and get him to come on the bed where I have to rub his head to calm him down. I don't know what the poor thing must have been dreaming about but I hope to goodness he sleeps tonight! Yeesh.

Pretty Pink Shoes: I have a very precious pair of pink shoes that I don't wear often. Since the blood clot, wearing anything with a heal for any amount of time causes a bit of discomfort for a few days. But they're so cute!!! This morning I'm getting ready and my Beloved looks down at my feet and says "now darlin, you know I love you. Are you sure those are the shoes you need to wear today?" He knows about the discomfort, it's inconvenient. I simply pointed out that if I didn't wear them I would be wasteful and he doesn't want me to be wasteful, does he? He just rolled his eyes. :) They are SO CUTE!!! And they're only hurting a little....

Until next time.....

(BTW- I'm sticking with the name. Thanks for all the encouragement. I was having an identity crisis. )


Aunt Krazy said...

Is there a Full Moon afoot??? All of my animals are acting crazy, too, and they usually do this around a full moon. Oh, yea, Janice's kitten disappeared into the night.... haven't seen him in two days. UGH!

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

what?! poor kitty!

Kristl said...

Those shoes are worth a little pain, they are totally cute! If you decide you can't stand them anymore, I know of a good home they can go to ...