Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1 - Self-portrait

Here's a little back story: my shiny new Big Girl job is in a creepy old building. :) It's actually an old Lab building. When the original company sold the building, our company bought it. We only use about 1/6 of the two wing/ two story building. The part of the building that is no longer used was just abandoned. There are empty offices with furniture, empty labs with stuff everywhere. It's dark and stinky and CREEPY!! I'm talking Resident Evil, Zombie Apocalypse creepy.

I have to ship things a lot and in order to get to the loading dock, you can go one of two routes. One route will take you the back way where you won't have to go through the lab and a hair net is not a requirement. I have attempted this route twice. Every time I get around the first turn I come to two doors. Both dark and both creepy. This is where my bravery stops. I backtrack and put on a hair net. I totally make it look cute anyway.

This was taken on my stupid smart phone and edited through my favorite App - Instagram. I'm probably going to break the rules and use a few old pictures for some of the challenges. In a previous life, I had access to a super fancy camera that took super cool pictures that I never got to show off. So sad. But now I can! So cool! :)

I'm supposed to do a linky thing but I'm easily confused. :) Here's Dana's Day 1 pic!

Until next time....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You did great! I saw your link on the linky tool on my post and you linked back here... perf! I love the hair net and the backstory. :)