Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sew Annoying!

So I'm working on a quilt again and this one might really be my last!! For reals this time. Probably. Maybe.

If I could properly work my stupid sewing machine I might actually enjoy it a little better! But as it stands, if I do not have the following items close at hand while I'm at the machine, I will accomplish nothing but frustration. (And screaming and throwing, hence the reason why our dog runs to the bedroom to hide as soon as he sees the sewing machine come out. Seriously. It's kind of sad)

The Seam Ripper and Scissors are a must because as much as I sew - I do A LOT of unsewing. These are items you are used to seeing in a sewing box. The other items, not so much. Somehow when I sew, the thread in the machine gets wrapped around the gizmos and gets caught up in the joints. So then I have to use the Screw Driver to remove the front half of the sewing machine. I then have to use the Flashlight to find the offending thread and the Pliers to attempt to remove it. It's a scene. A sad, sad scene.

I have to re-thread the machine at least 4 times during a sewing session. This is probably user error but I follow the directions so I'm not sure which step I'm missing. Maybe the machine is a lemon. Maybe I'm not cut out for sewing. Maybe this is normal and I'm just horribly impatient. It's probably a little of all of that.


Until next time...

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