Monday, February 6, 2012

Coming Home

I know, I know - I've been home a while. I've been home so long - I'm gone again. :) But I'll give you a few more items from my San Diego trip.

Our resort had little make up mirrors on the wall in the restroom which I appreciate! But because it's me - so mine had some issues. It wouldn't face the right way; BUT my mother did not raise a fool and I showed that mirror who was boss!

We got to come home VERY early on Thursday and as I'm walking to the lobby for our ride at 4am - I took this shot of a very quiet golf course.And then a cute little bunny hopped in front of me - and I almost died. It takes a lot of self control to not scream at 4 in the morning on a dark golf course when a rabbit crosses your path. At least for me it does.

Pepita and I were very happy to be home and we even came home with a very lovely SkinMedica beach bag! We had a lovely time in San Diego and we're currently hanging out in Atlanta. Good times!

Until next time...

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