Sunday, June 24, 2012

Let Him Eat Cake

Yesterday we celebrated my Beloved's birthday. It was a lovely day with family, food and fun. And there was cake! But the cake comes with a story.

I asked my Daniel what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday and since he's a sweet boy he says chocolate. Knowing chocolate is indeed my favorite and not his, I asked for the truth. He says he's always been partial to Strawberry so strawberry it is! I find a strawberry recipe on Pinterest that looks super simple - I got this!

I tell Daniel I found a Strawberry cake recipe - this is how the conversation goes:
Him: Oh, does it have white icing?
Me: No, I think it is has pink icing.
Him: Oh, well does it have strawberries on top and on the sides?
Me: No.... why?
Him: Oh nothing, it's just...that's how my mom makes hers. 


So I call my mother-in-law to retrieve her recipe. I prepare the cake and I'm done mixing the icing. I hand Daniel the beater and ask if it tastes like it's supposed to and this is his response - "I don't know. I can't remember."

Double yeesh.

Everyone seemed to enjoy it so I'm counting it as a win. ;)

Until next time....

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