Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Case of Wipes

So far today I've changed 6 totally disgusting diapers courtesy of the cutest little baby on the block which has also resulted in 2 wardrobe changes and all her linens being washed. 

It's a good thing she's so cute! ;)

Today I'm thankful for a case of wipes, Dreft laundry detergent and drawer full of outfits. I'm thankful she's content and doesn't seem to mind loud noises. I'm thankful for her increasing alertness so I can see her pretty little eyes. :)

Until next time.....


kacie @ mama case said...

Dreft. I mean, honestly. It must be what heaven smells like. My mom tells me that when she smells Eddy is takes her right back to her newborn days.

Something to look forward to.

Timberley, Queen of Everything said...

:) I agree! It's a heavenly smell!