Monday, November 26, 2012

Her Big Girl Crib

We've had some sleepless nights - no surprise there, we brought home a baby. Alice sleeps in a bassinet in our room until her morning feeding when we move to the living room. Until last night. 

Last night we decided to try her out in her crib in her room. We have a full sized bed in there as well so one of us can comfortably sleep with her in her room. With her monitor still attached, it's important that someone is present at all times in case it goes off. 

So last night she got to sleep in her big girl crib. And she slept well! HOLLA!

Random Rant: Disregard the fact that she has toys in her crib and blankets and is not sleeping on her back. Yeah, yeah, I know - we're horrible parents, the doctor already has it in the chart. When he asks me how she sleeps I say anyway she wants! When he continues to look at me I follow up by saying I don't want to tell him how she sleeps which leads to me telling him she sleeps on her tummy which is apparently the WORST THING EVER. And that leads to notes in the chart. For real. Whatever! She's hooked to a monitor that will blare in the event her breathing or heart stops - that means she can sleep on her tummy if she wants to. 

And seriously - who would deny anything to this face?!
We're in trouble.


Today I'm thankful she seems to adjust well. I'm thankful the dog decided to sleep with me in the baby's room last night. I know this has more to do with the baby and less about me but I'll take what I can get! I'm thankful for online shopping, free shipping and paying for everything with reward points. Reward points might be the best thing ever!

Until next time....

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