Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 12 - Where You Ate Lunch

Right next to this girl!

She loves to sit up although she's not able to sit up for very long. This only lasted a few minutes before she was tired. 

I've enjoyed being home with her. Even on days when she's fussy or needy - being home with her makes me happy.

And I'll get to stay home longer! 

For the second time - I've been laid off. My last day is Friday. And I'm so stinking excited. It's probably unhealthy to be so happy to be let go.  

The first time I got let go it took me out of a really bad situation - which was nice!

This time, I get to stay home with Little Bitty which is SUPER nice! 

I'm thankful I won't have to miss a thing when it comes to our girl. 

Until next time...

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