Friday, February 22, 2013

With a Sheep - Week 7

Little Bitty is 22 weeks old and weighs 12 pounds, 3 ounces! She is 23.5 inches long and is still impressing the doctors. Today we went in for her 4th Synagis shot. This is a shot to prevent RSV and is given once a month to all preemies during their first flu season. Since she has done so well, this will be the only flu season she will require the shots. This makes me happy. Her sad sleepy whimpers break my heart. 

She loves to sit up although she can't by herself so I spend a lot of time holding her in a sitting position. We might try a walker soon. She's much too little to walk but she LOVES to stand. It might entertain her. This week she's trying her hardest to put things in her mouth! Mostly it's her hands for now. She can't seem to figure out how to get the hands to work right. But she's trying! 

For now she spends lots of time glaring at her Monster. One day...she will catch him.

Until next time....

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