Did you know the Texas state dinosaur is the Brachiosaur Sauropod? Yeah, I didn't either.
Last night my Beloved came home with a booklet from the state senator's office on the Lee campus. In it lists the official Texas state symbols. And there are plenty!
The list entertains my Beloved but also frustrates him. He's annoyed at the fact we need a state gem AND a state gemstone cut. He is also put out with our "flying mammal" which happens to be the Mexican Free-tailed Bat. He's put out because he's pretty sure bats are the only flying mammal with the exception of the Flying Squirrel which "as we all know - glides!"
He is also annoyed with the fact that the list of 33 - including everything from dish (chili) to grass (Sideoats Grama) to pepper (Jalapeno) to native pepper (Chiltepin) to seashell (Lightening Welk) - required legislation. EACH. ONE.
Yep, our tax dollars at work.
He is very passionate about this even before my second cup of coffee on an early morning after about 3 hours of sleep. ;)
I go on to say everyone in our house is crazy. (This is after we had to pretend to put a scoop of the dog's 'new food' in his old food so he would eat it. It's the same food. He's retarded.) Daniel claims if everyone in the house is at 100% crazy - he's only like 20%.
To which my reply was "ummm no, you're about 98.5%."
And he laughed. Mostly because he knows it's true. ;)
Here's the list just in case you were wondering what the Texas State Folk Dance was. Spoiler alert! It's the Square Dance!
Until next time....
A least they picked a particular bat. I suppose they could have called the category "bat" instead of "flying mammal". No, wait, don't suggest that, they'll just go back and waste more money debating that.
I know, right! Silly Texans! ;)
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