Tuesday, July 30, 2013


To me, friendship is....
4 quarter bets
near and far
froggie socks
old and new
pj movie nights
hugs and tears
lasagna and peach cobbler
borrowed books
lunch dates
lost and gained
shared burdens
common ground & lots of differences
a soul mate
inside jokes
an occasional text 'just because'

I am quick to call someone a friend and I don't feel like you have to actually meet someone to call them that. Thanks to social media outlets like Facebook or the blog, I have people in my life I haven't seen for years or ever! But I still consider them friends. I still enjoy watching their kids grow. I still hurt when they hurt. 

And friendships have come and gone throughout the years. Those I cherish too. With every ended friendship, you learn something. Something about yourself, other people, life. You learn what you want and don't want in a friend and you learn where your "Point of Enough" is. 

Some of my favorite friendships are the ones that don't require a lot of work. They ones that just come easy. The ones where you can go a long time without seeing them yet every time you're together, it feels like an every day thing. 

I cherish all the 'friendships' in my life. Every single one.

Until next time...

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