Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bath Time Tunes

My Beloved LOVES music. He loves all kinds of music. He constantly has a song going through his head. It's one of my favorite things about him even when it's making my eye twitch. You can say anything and it will trigger a song. And if he thinks of a song - he has to listen to it RIGHTNOW.

Bath Time is Daddy/Daughter time in our house. And he feels it's his fatherly duty to introduce her to all the music options out there.

The other night it was Funk.

Funk didn't seem to be her favorite.

Thanks to MTV's VMA commercials, Daniel HAD to listen to some Run DMC.

So last night she learned just how tricky it is to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time.

It's tricky.


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